VA100 and Minilo98 Pro Upgrade tool

Follow these steps to upgrade your keyboard to improve keyboard stuttering and missed key issues. 

Such as varmilooooooooo or vrmilo.


Part A: Missing Keys

 You need a Windows device.


 (Windows system)

 1, Download and double-click to open the upgrade tool


2, Open 

3, Click OPEN and select the corresponding bin file.

Bin file Download: VA100 Minilo98 Pro


Notice: If it is a WIN11 system, please do the following: first click tools→install Drivers...

The system will pop up a running window. After the window automatically runs, proceed to the next step

4, Switch the keyboard to wired mode, hold down the ESC key, insert the data cable, and wait the "Flash" button lights up.

When this icon appears,

click the Flash button to upgrade

If this appears, 

the upgrade is successful.

Replug the data cable and power it on.


Part B: Stuttering Keys


Notice: If you need to upgrade, you will need to complete all of the steps below to keep your version and functionality working.

 You need a Windows device and an Android mobile device.

(Android System)

1. Install the upgrade tool base.apk on your phone (if the downloaded tool name APK has a ".1" suffix, you need to rename the file and delete the ".1" before installing it)
Put the ZIP file in a location that can be found in the phone directory

Upgrade steps:
1. Open the installed upgrade tool,
2. Switch the keyboard to wired mode, and then press and hold FN+D for about 5 seconds to reset the keyboard.
3. The phone will search for a device named Dfu, as shown below

4. Connect the Dfu device
5. Click the Dfu icon in the upper right corner

7. Select the ZIP option

8. Select the downloaded ZIP file

9. Wait for the upgrade to complete.

  (Windows system)

Improve the 2.4g dongle to the latest version.



 (If you need to upgrade the dongle, you need to complete all upgrade steps of Part B.)